Bank Danamon Holds Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Jakarta, 26 March 2019. The AGMS approved, among others, the Bank’s dividend payment, annual report, financial statements, and appointment of Public Accountant and Public Accounting Firm.
The AGMS approved dividend payment for the 2018 financial year of 35% of the Company’s consolidated net profit after tax (NPAT) or approximately IDR143.22 per share. Meanwhile, 1% of the profit will be set aside as a general reserve in accordance to Indonesian Limited Company Law. The remaining profit will be recorded as retained earnings adding to the Company’s capital. The AGMS has also appointed Mr. Jusuf Wibisana as the Public Accountant and Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Partners as Public Accounting Firm to audit the Company’s financial report for the 2019 financial year.
The EGMS approved, among others, the merger between the Company and PT Bank Nusantara Parahyangan Tbk (BNP) where the Company will become the Surviving Bank, amendments of the Company’s Article of Association paragraph 4 regarding Capital, and composition of the Board of Directors Board of Commissioners and Syariah Supervisory Board after the merger is effective. Following the merger effective date and fulfillment of regulatory requirements, the composition of the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors and Syariah Supervisory Board of the Surviving Bank will be as follow:
Board of Commissioners
1. Takayoshi Futae as President Commissioner
2. Prof. Dr. J.B. Kristiadi Pudjosukanto as Vice President Commissioner (Independent)
3. Manggi Taruna Habir as Commissioner (Independent)
4. Made Sukada sebagai as Commissioner (Independent)
5. Peter Benyamin Stok as Commissioner (Independent)
6. Masamichi Yasuda as Commissioner
7. Hideaki Takase as Commissioner
Board of Directors
1. Sng Seow Wah as President Director
2. Michellina Laksmi Triwardhany as Vice President Director
3. Herry Hykmanto as Director
4. Satinder Pal Singh Ahluwalia as Director
5. Adnan Qayum Khan as Director
6. Rita Mirasari as Director
7. Heriyanto Agung Putra as Director
8. Yasushi Itagaki as Director
9. Dadi Budiana as Director
Syariah Supervisory Board
1. M. Sirajuddin Syamsuddin (Profesor -DR. H.M. Din Syamsuddin) as Chairman
2. Hasanudin as Member
3. Asep Supyadillah as Member